Mates - the new series of books for younger readers is just delightful. With short punchy chapters, small colourful illustrations and text clearly presented on white paper and generously spaced, these books are just right for helping those readers developing reading confidence.
In the Grand Poohjam there is a not so nice ruler, the grand Poohjam who wants to not only rule his kingdom but that of his neighbour. His plans come adrift when he is outwitted by a smart Princess and her singing wombat - and his own greediness and of course the fact that the wombat never sings!

Mum's always right so when she tells dad to fix the chook yard fence dad fixes the fence ... but when a snake enters the chook shed the fixing task is not so simple and all sorts of chaos arises in the attempt to clean out the shed, find the snake and fix the chook shed! AND thankfully the snake escapes!!!
other titles include The Smartest Dog of All (Horrocks & Degennaro) and Thorpey (Starke & Jardine).

The second title in the Belmont and the Dragon series is another fun read for younger readers.
This time the Redwitch has tricked the curator into revealing the secrets of Merlins magical wand on display in the museum so when she snaffles the wand she soon takes control of Old York! Of course it is up to Belmont to save the day ... but first he has to find Excalibur (Arthur's sword lying in Camelot) and then return to Old York to defeat the Redwitch.
These books will greatly assist younger readers gain confidence in reading and help move them to independent reading ... and they are also fun reads too!!!!