Thursday, April 15, 2010

Picture Book Treats for the Young

These picture books are just delighful for sharing with young readers.

Itsy-Bitsy Babies Margaret Wild & Jan Ormerod (Little Hare)
This is just beautiful and perfect to share with a baby or youngster. I love the baby pictures and the simple verse.
Mums and dads everywhere will be doing the itsy-bitsy baby ...
playing peek-a-boo,
twiddling toes,
wrinkling up noses,
playing all fall down,
looking through legs and a whole lot more.

Two Bad Teddies Kilmeny Niland (Little Hare)
Two Bad Teddies is oh so good. I just love the illustrations of the teddies ... and those facial expressions show how bad they really are! This is such a delight and so very lovely.
Gruffy and Tilly are Mollie-Sue's teddies (from the delightful book Two Tough Teddies) and they do everything together but one day a new toy arrives - Bendy Bill and he even squeaks. When Bendy Bill becomes the centre of attention the two teddies soon find things to dislike about Bendy Bill and they show it too. But when Gruffy falls out the window it is Bendy Bill that stretches his arms to do the rescue and teh three become friends.
A beautiful book about jealousy, friendship and sharing.

The Flying Orchestra Clare McFadden (UQP)
Have you ever heard music on windy days? If you have then it must be the flying orchestra playing those melodies.

The Flying Orchestra's repertoire includes
a violin solo for someone missing their train,
a symphony at the airport for a traveller coming home,
even a concerto when someone stay awake all night thinking!
Music is all around us ... we just have to stop and listen.
This is a lovely tale with deligthful illustrations - listen to it as well with some delighful music!

More picture book treats soon.


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