Lots of wonderfully delightful picture books have been hitting the shelves. They are great for sharing at any time of the day.
Sophie Bakes a Cake Tina Burke (Penguin Books)
Sophie and her cheeky doll Scarlett are helping to bake a cake. With all the ingredients ready she prepares the mixture but along to way Scarlett informs Sophie that the cakes needs some extra ingredients ... like vegemite and peanut butter and a green crayon and Sophie of course adds the extras. Together they watch the cake bake and then its time for tasting. How will this special cake taste? Sophie is gorgeous and this is a yummy story!
Big Red Hen and the Little Lost Egg Margaret Wild & Terry Denton (Penguin Books)
Big Red Hen loves looking after everyone else's babies but she longs for her very own baby to look after and kiss goodnight! One morning when she was scratching for seeds she found some hay and in that hay was a warm egg. She sets out to discover the egg's owner but when no owner is found the other adult birds decide that big red hen is the best one to look after it! She decides that she will love the baby no matter what type of bird it is but when it hatches she is in for a very big surprise. This is a tender loving story of unconditional love.
The Two-Hearted Numbat Ambelin Kwaymullina & Ezekiel Kwaymullina (Fremantle Press)
A beautiful story with stunning and vibrant illustrations. Numbat has two hearts, one of feather (making him soft and gentle but exhausted from helping others) and one of stone (making him powerful and strong but tough). But having two hearts was troublesome so Numbat sets out on a journey to find out which heart to keep. Eventually he discovers the truth about strength and about gentleness and what his true heart really is.
Double Trouble Deborah Niland (Penguin Books)
The perfect book for twins and the perfect book for exploring the wonderful chaos of the daily life of twins.
There's double trouble in the morning and double trouble getting dressed. There’s double trouble at breakfast and playing and all through the day. so much trouble is there that at night time mummy is all worn out and falls asleep ... but there’s still a little more double trouble!
Sunday Chutney Aaron Blabey (Penguin Books)
Imagine living all over the world. Sunday chutney does and it is the most extraordinary life. It would be great, new places, new people and new schools ... but being the new kid in school - that isn't so much fun. And not living in the same home - well she doesn't care about that, there are so many good things to do ... or does she? A lovely book from the creator of
Pearl Barley.
Pilgrim Jo Oliver (New Frontier)
This is a story about a boy and his father and sharing their first sea adventure together. The boy unsure of the adventure ahead relies on the strength of his father who reassures and protects his son.
It is also the story of love and family and memories, of remembrance and of returned soldiers and the places they have been - and of coming safely back home.
DO grab some of these lovely books and enjoy the time sharing them!