Here are more new picture books to read and share and enjoy!
The ABC Book of Lullabies (ABC Books)
Thirteen wonderful Australian illustrators have each chosen their favourite lullaby to illustrate -- and this is their book. It features the glorious illustrations of Tamsin Ainslie, Jonathan Bentley, Gaye Chapman, Janine Dawson, Wayne Harris, Ann James, Stephen Michael King, Alison Lester, Caroline Magerl, Kilmeny Niland, Cheryl Orsini, Anna Pignataro and Emma Quay. A luscious book to be treasured and cherished. A wonderful gift book for a new arrival.
Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport Rolf Harris (Scholastic Australia)
Written, recorded and illustrated by the amazing Rolf Harris ... Here is his picture book, complete with the DVD of his classic 1960s Aussie song.
The illustrations are all new and in Rolf's unique painting style.
Readers of all ages will love this book!
Donald Loves Drumming Nick Bland (Scholastic Australia)
Drummers love drumming (sometimes all the time - even in their sleep) and every drummer has been told more than once that they are drumming TOO LOUD! This is a book just for them.
Donald loves drumming, all day and all night. But his family says he is TOO LOUD. So Donald searches for a new favourite activity but nothing 'beats' drumming. And then Donald had an idea. Fun!