Saturday, December 22, 2007

More Christmas Gift Ideas

And these are just wonderful picture books that also need to be added to yesterday's list. Again these are some of my favourites that crossed my desk.

The Peasant Prince Li Cunxin & Anne Spudvilas (Viking)
This is a glorious visual celebration of Li's life story - Mao's Last Dancer - the story of a boy from a poor village in China who followed his dreams to become the principal dancer for the Australian ballet. This illustrations are created in an authentic Chinese brush-painting style and perfectly crafted for this story.
... A story of courage, determination, dreams, and remembering beginnings.

I Do It Andrew Daddo & Jonathan Bentley (ABC Books)
Every parent, uncle, aunt or grandparent knows that there is a time when a very young child's determination to be independant emerges and nothing, absolutely nothing will stand in their way. This picture book captures that moment when every young child says "I do it!" and they usually do.

Enjoy ... and have a wonderful book-filled Christmas time!


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