Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fiction Fun

Here are some newer fiction releases for younger readers and older readers.

The Clockwork Forest Doug MacLeod (Puffin)
Doug Macleod writes funny, sometimes spooky and sometimes crazy books - this is another one. When Morton has four wind-up treasures (that just happen to be able to speak too) which are dispersed far and wide in a magical forest when it is hit by a ferocious storm then of course he has to begin his quest to find his treasures. Along the way he teams up with a strange man who can't remember his name who is also on a quest. They meet a ghost seeking an eternal companion and strange cave dwelling infected twins and a few other humans along the way. Nothing in the forest is quite as it seems. Strange, quirky and fun!

Killer Whale Justin D'ath (Puffin)
Winning a holiday to the Antarctica is fun but the holiday becomes an extreme adventure as Sam and his younger brother are stuck on a wobbly ice flow. They encounter penguins and killer whales that Sam thinks might just find them an appetising meal. They are saved by a pirate ship that just happens to be an environmental warrior in pursuit of Japanese whaling ships. And of course it is up to Sam to save the day when the crew are struck down with food poisoning. But how does a young boy defeat the whalers - read Killer Whale to find out. Boys should love reading this book and the others in the Extreme Adventures series.

Stories from Country, My Pony Hooky and Other Tales Bob Randall & Susan Haworth (ABC Books)
Bob Randall is a great storyteller and songwriter. He is also an elder and traditional owner of Uluru. This book has stories taken from Uncle Bob's life. Some stories are fictional based on real events. Some stories are faithful retelling of events. There is Yidiki, the story of the magical journey into termite country for the making of the Didgeridoo. These are stories as old as Australia itself!

Lucy the Good Marianne Musgrove & Cheryl Orsini (Random House)
Lucy knows she is a good girl; it’s just that she happens to get into trouble - when mostly it isn't her fault. When her Tante Bep from Holland (who is staying with the family for a holiday) tells her that instead of Sinterklass visiting she will find coal left in her sack by Black Piet if she is a bad girl then Lucy vows to be good! She even makes lists of good and bad things! Will Lucy be good? Younger readers who want longer books will enjoy this.

Enjoy these great books. Don't forget that adults can share their reading experiences with kids too! tell them what you are reading!


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