The Surfing Scientist - 40 Cool Science Tricks Ruben Meerman (ABC Books)
I recently came across this book that came out last year ... and it makes science fun!
There are 40 experiments - complete with photos and directions and then accompanying facts behind the experiment ... like the leak proof bag that is filled with water yet able to be pierced with pencils and NOT leak! Do the experiment; find out why it happens and also a few facts about plastic bags. Other experiments include: spearing a raw potato with a straw, and sticking two books together without glue. Great for home science exploration!!!!
Prehistoric Australia Kevin Patrick & Douglas Holgate (Random House Australia)
Where have some of the world’s most important dinosaur discoveries been made? Right here in Australia! This book will tell you lots about those discoveries, the dinosaurs discovered, how they are discovered, how fossils are formed, and stacks more. it also includes weblinks and other reference books. A great book for the budding palaeontologists!
There's a Worm on My Eyeball Adam Taor & Douglas Holgate (Random House Australia) Boys will just read this book from cover to cover and back again. Read it to find out about all the wonderful life forms dwelling in our bodies, from tapeworms to bacteria and hosts of other bugs. They'll find out about some of the creatures that could inhabit our bodies like worms and flies and body odours (and bodily smells), they can discover about genes and lice, fungus and warts, ticks and animal poo and they can also find out about creatures that could inhabit our bodies like the 7cm African Eye Worm ... and stacks more gross stuff!
These titles are great fun reads!