Boy Vs Beast (Scholastic)
The first 4 titles in this series are out now. These are sure to have the boys reading! They give young readers who want to move to chapter books something to grasp and really get absorbed in. The titles have a larger font (but not too big) and great illustrations - with a few pages that look like graphic novels and a powerful, face paced storyline -- it is a terrific read.
Boy vs Beast, Battle of the worlds is the first series where a 21st Century boy battles ancient beasts ... with the titles Aquatan, Infernix, Tornados, Terradon
Once beast and man shared the world ... but no more. Now they are separated by a border-wall patrolled and protected by five boys
Boy Vs Beast Battle Of The Worlds 01 : Aquatan
Kai masters and his dogbot must battle a mega-beast Serpinitan - or is it something else. Has he chosen the right weapon? Will it work against toxic jellyfish and be enough to take on a wave attack?
and see http://www.boyvsbeast.com/ for heaps of great 'stuff" including a competition to win prize packs. great sounds and images and really tempting to play in!
Space Scout (hardiegrantegmont)
Another new series is SPACE SCOUT ... and again this is a great collection of titles perfect for the younger reader (especially boys) wanting quick, fast-paced adventures ... this times the adventures are out in the space fields. The chapters are not too long, have appropriate text size and are scattered with illustrations - the first title also comes with an World Corp Issue, replica space cuff (a watch type thingummyjig ... well you have to read the book). There are starships, and aliens and space monsters and planets vastly different from the earth we inhabit and heaps of techo assistance for the space scouts!
Space Scout : The Big Freeze H. Badger (hardiegrantegmont)
This is the first space mission for twelve-year-old Kip Kirby! He has a spaceship that gives him orders (and sometimes won't follow his) and his second in charge is half human half wolf! His mission to find a new planet because the earth is running out of room (well it is 2354 and there are over a trillion people here!) But his first mission might also be his last if he can't work out a way of getting off the rather frozen planet he had landed on and was exploring!
Space Scout: The Robot King
Space Scout: The Jelly People
Space Scout: The Shrinking Race
See too http://www.spacescoutportal.com/. It has games, more information, downloads and heaps of fun ... love the sounds too!
Sure is plenty to tempt reluctant young male readers.