There are only three sleeps to go till the birthday party and animal invitations have to be made, animal character costumes have to be organised and animal party food created - and of course all the time these are being organised Hippopotamus on the roof is in party preparation mode too!
And if you want to host your own hippo party then just drop in at this link on the Penguin Australia site to get Hippo party invitations and lots more! (or http://tinyurl.com/26qhkrm)
Family Forest Kim Kane (Hardie Grant Egmont)
A fantastic book for the children of blended families that explains their families - because while most kids talk about family trees, this family is a family forest. The ‘forest' is made up of half sisters, and whole sisters, and brothers and step mums (who aren't wicked) and mums and dads and partners.
This well written and delightfully illustrated book (the characters are whimsical and full of expression) is a book for the modern family and celebrates how they come in all shapes and sizes.
Wibbly Wobbly Street Trudie Trewin & Cheryl Orsini (Scholastic)
Wibbly Wobbly Street is in dull Squaretown where streets are straights and smooth, flat and trim and where the houses were all lined up and ordered. It was a delightful street (one i am sure folks would love to live in) but the councillors didn’t like having their well ordered town messed up by this one street and they want to straighten it out. So restorations to Wibbly wobbly Street begin. The street-straightener and teams of council workers and their engines work long and hard and after repeated efforts finally straighten the street .... until deep in the ground something shuddered and shook and twanged!
With delightful phrases like "our wibble's too strong" and words like wibble-ectomy and wobble-ocotmy kids young and old will be giggling along with this delightful book.
You Stephen Michael King (Scholastic)
I really adore the books by this terrific author and illustrator and this new title just continues that tradition of charming and emotive creations. It is a lovely blend of simple text and delicate soft illustrations telling us that it is the people we love who make the world a beautiful place. The perfect book to share with a child, parent, friend, or any special person.
The central character describes the wonders of the world - the colours around, the things in the world, the music that surrounds, but for all the glorious colours, and things, and all the wonderful music - the best part of the world is ... YOU.
Noah's Garden Mo Johnson & Anabelle Josse (Walker Books)
This is a touching story of the beauty of nature, the joy of a child's imagination and the patience in wishing and hoping and waiting ....
Noah's garden is a wonderful garden. There are tigers and pirates and camels and thundering helicopters and penguins roaming around in this garden. Yes ... it is not an ordinary garden. This is the hospital garden. Here Noah comes with his family during the days while waiting for his baby sister to leave hospital and come and join Noah in his garden.
Enjoy these gorgeous Australian picture books ... more soon.